Jan. 25 2025

Present: Timothy Shields-President, Howard Hagan-Secretary, Janice Hermann-Treasurer, Manning Shaw-Head Coach, and Pam Dickson, Past President. The meeting was held via teleconference due to the POTUS visit to Charleston and downtown traffic concerns. 

Old Business 

Tim opened the meeting at 2:01 and reviewed Old Business. The Charleston Holiday Parade entry was a success and raised the club’s profile to the general public. No discernible visit bump however has been detected on the club’s website. The club’s participation in Charleston’s Second Sunday has been moved to March. Still no response from city officials regarding CCRC’s ongoing presence in Bittlebank Park. Tim indicated he will pursue attending a near-term “Coffee with the Mayor” event and take the issue to the Mayor directly. 

Junior Update:  Manning reports no progress towards enlisting additional junior rowers via engagement with local high school administrators.  His efforts continue. The Junior LTR program as 7 signups.  He expects all rowers to return from the Fall season and to add several others to the roster. The Spring Junior team should number approximately 15+ rowers.  The Spring Regatta schedule is published, which includes four races.  One of the regattas includes Masters sprint races and the intent is to have several CCRC Masters boats entered.  Junior costs for the Spring season were discussed to include regatta entry fees, hotel costs, gas, and trailer truck rental.  After several data points were discussed without agreement, it was decided a study would be conducted of all current and past payment procedures and several standardized courses of action would be proposed to the board for selection and adoption.  The Board will receive the results off the study not later than the May ‘25 Board Meeting.  Both Masters and Junior dues and costs would be addressed. The Head Coach and his staff will take the lead for this action.  Coach Manning will not be available for the first Spring regatta at Hilton Head Island.  Coach Howie will lead, with assistance from another coach or parent.  Coach Manning will work the details, to include a trailer truck driver.

Status Check: Tim reconfirmed the purchase of the new quad and arranged a pick up date of 14 March at Clemson; Howie will assist.  The new boat racks have been assembled and positioned. That will leave the racks and new trailer for boat storage and regatta transportation.  All required parts and equipment for the boats and spring season have been ordered/received to include pontoons to assist in LTR sessions.  Manning will announce a Boat Maintenance day before the juniors return to the water.

Fiscal Review:  Janice provided the Cash Balance as of 12-31-2024: $73,474, Total Commitments: $31,093, with Remaining Balance of : $42,381.  Janice addressed the 3k in junior fundraising monies remaining in the club treasury.  After some discussion, it was decided to use these unused monies to support the initial costs supporting the junior spring regatta schedule.  Coach Manning will provide the Treasurer with a follow up regarding several Juniors who remain outstanding for Fall dues and regatta entry costs. Janice also requested a full Junior Spring roster for dues payment tracking.

New Business

Fundraising:  Tim said the club received a 1K donation from an anonymous benefactor, which was matched by the DanielT Island association for a 2K total.  Since the departure of several junior parents from club’s fundraising activities, it has been decided to establish a modest goal with a short-term period to raise funds as an alternative method.   As a pilot effort, CCRC will establish 2K as the goal, intended for oars to support the new quad.  The fundraising effort will begin 15 February and run for a specified period.  Any individual donating $250 or more will have a oar named after him/her.  Details will be posted online by Tim.

Move for SEWE:  The boats will be de-rigged and loaded on the new trailer on 5 February.  The trailer will move Feb 6 and return Feb 20. 

Tim is arranging to junk the old trailer and unusable boats when CCRC vacates the park for SEWE.  

July Full Club Meeting:  IAW the CCRC Bylaws, there will be an annual full membership meeting on 27 July, location and time are TBD.  The intent is to review club activities over the past year and establish goals and objectives for the next 12 months, with an accompanying fiscal review.  Additionally, any amendments to the Bylaws will need to be addressed at that time. Suggested amendments are due in writing by 27 April. Tim will publish the announcement and supporting explanations NLT 27 February.

The next CCRC Board Meeting will be Sunday , 9 March at the Charleston County Public Library n downtown.  The meeting was adjourned at 2:32.


March 2, 2025