March 2, 2025
CCRC Board Meeting - 2 March 2025
Present: Timothy Shields-President, Howard Hagan-Secretary, Janice Hermann-Treasurer, Manning Shaw-Head Coach, Kyle Mikesh-Masters Coach, Pam Dickson, Past President, Susan Kraybill, Nina Glynn -Masters Rep. and Rob Dunlap- Gig Program Rep.
Old Business
Tim opened the meeting at 2:03 and reviewed Old Business.
The Club’s participation in Charleston’s Second Sunday has been confirmed for 9 March from 12:00 to 5:00. Tim will establish shifts for club volunteers. If the new tent is ready he will pick it up from the manufacturer and have it on site. The primary purpose is to raise the club’s visibility in town and attract additional recruitment.
Junior Update: Manning reports no progress towards enlisting additional junior rowers. The just completed Junior LTR program had 7 signups, but it remains unclear how many will join the team. All but one rower returned from the Fall season and one additional girl was added to the roster. The Spring Junior team should number approximately 14+ rowers. All but one, have paid their dues for the season.
The Spring Regatta schedule will opened against HHI Crew on 22 April.
Status Check: Tim confirmed the new quad is on track and he will pick it up at Clemson 20 March; Howie will assist.
Eight new sculling were ordered and are expected to be received the week of 3 March.
The new CCRC team tent is expected within the next week or two.
Tim will initiate a “Go Fund Me’ fundraising effort with the target of $2500. to support the recent oars purchase.
The St John’s College HS, which is being hosted by CCRC for their Spring Training Session, is donating a used Resolute 4+ boat to the club, in late March.
Fiscal Review: Janice provided the Cash Balance as of 2-28-2024: $69,054.50. The Spring Season has 33 paid Masters (11 new) and 14 Juniors; all having paid dues minus one. Manning will work with Janice and the affected parents to address the issue.
New Business
Rower Safety and Equipment Checks: Tim emphasized the necessity for all rowers and coxswains to check the boat maintenance status and serviceability prior to leaving the dock. Small things such as loose nuts and bolts can lead to significant damage or unsafe actions on the water. Safety and maintenance standards are a personal responsibility across the club membership.
Full Club Membership Meeting: In accordance with CCRC Bylaws, a general membership meeting will be called for 27 July. Any suggested amendments to the current bylaws will be considered at that time. Suggested amendments must be submitted in writing 90 days prior. Tim will publish the announcement and supporting explanations NLT 27 February.
Suggested amendments are due in writing by 27 April.
Boat Purchase; 2X: A former club member has offered a lightweight double for sale to the club at a reasonable price of $8500. Discussions lead to the need for additional information from the seller. Tim will re-engage and provide answers via email to board members.
Additional Update from the Head Coach:
Manning will hold a Coxswain Clinic for all interested club members in the May/June timeframe .
In early Summer there will be a Learn to Scull course offered.
A new contract will be signed with the Marina resulting in our ability to emplace an electric box on the dock to charge equipment. Manning is coordinating with the Dragon Boat Club for their concurrence.
The next CCRC Board Meeting will be 2:30, Sunday, 19 May at the Charleston County Public Library in downtown.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:12.